Sadly, My Political Novel is Still Relevant

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Sadly, My Political Novel is Still Relevant.

Almost all of the dust has settled from the midterm elections.  The Warnock – Walker runoff won’t have much, if any, practical effect since the Democrats will at the least continue to have a Senate majority with the Vice Presidential tie breaker vote.

I expressed skepticism about a “Red Wave” before the November 8th election.  Even so, it is amazing that the Republicans performed so poorly given the huge Wrong Direction poll plurality, Biden’s unpopularity, 8% + inflation, an open border, a widespread crime wave, etc.  To fail to win a significant majority in the house, do no better than maintaining the status quo in the Senate and lose close governor contests took exceptional incompetence by Republicans.

I happen to be in the “blame Trump” camp.  However, it is entirely possible that a majority of the electorate is content with big government with socialist-leaning policies, provided they get their share of transfer payments.  The majority may not care whether the president is physically and cognitively impaired.  They may have long since become cynical about who really runs the show in America.  They may support or be more amused than alarmed by Antifa, BLM and the Squad.

When I started writing Deceit Decline Dissolution, a Political Novel a little over a year ago, I was convinced that even if successful, it would have a short shelf life.  I didn’t think Biden would last one year, let alone four, given his age-related infirmities, extreme left lurch, spectacular Afghanistan failure, and ill-conceived legislative successes.  I can barely believe his party might support a reelection attempt.

I was convinced that my novel had to sink or swim by sometime in June.  I engaged one of the many companies that purport to assist self-published authors with publication and marketing.  I didn’t need any help but believed it probably would avoid content censorship at Amazon.  Alas, the company was incompetent and dishonest.  I spent significant money, got nothing of value and found myself in October with negligible sales.

I didn’t think my book could be topical, let alone timely, after the voting public rejected that which I criticized and made fun of in the book.

Alas, the modern-day ship of fools sails on.

My only solace is that Deceit Decline Dissolution, a Political Novel, is still topical and timely.

December 4, 2022

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