Trump’s Best Revenge

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By far the best revenge Donald Trump could wreak upon his tormentors would be to inflict on the Democrat Party an electoral thrashing of historic proportions.  The best way for him to do that is to announce that he will not seek the Republican nomination for President in the 2024 general election.  If made now, that announcement would deprive the Democrats of their only realistic hope for retention of control of the House or Senate in this year’s midterms.  Announce now that in due course you will determine which of the Republican candidates you will support as best able to steer the country toward an economic, social, and cultural renaissance. 

Life – particularly political life – is not fair.  Giving the left an apparent victory is not an act that comes naturally to a man whose nature it is to fight and win – a man who is justly proud of his accomplishments in business, public service, and life generally.  It is asking a great deal of him to lay down arms and retire from a battlefield upon which he believes he can prevail. 

Nevertheless, giving the woke-dominated left an illusory and pyrrhic victory will advance the war for the survival of the nation.  Mr. Trump, do the difficult and courageous thing.  Be a great and self-sacrificing patriot.  Give America its best chance to make itself great again.

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